4 Easy Steps To Stop or Cancel SIP In ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund

Finance Guru Speaks: This article will provide information on how you can stop or cancel your SIP in ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund.

You may select any other Mutual fund scheme, steps will remain the same. Make sure to update your Email and Mobile correctly against your Folio No.

Steps to follow to online cancel or stop SIP in ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund:-

1.  Open ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund website and click on LOGIN button after providing your User Name and Password:-
ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund - Login Page
ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund - Login Page
NOTE: If you don't have access to their website, then you can register your Folio by following instructions mentioned in this link. It will help to generate your User Name and Password to login.

2. In the Home page, click on MAKE A TRANSACTION link as shown below:-
ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund - Cancel SIP
ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund - Cancel SIP
3. On the Next Screen, select your Folio No. and click on CANCEL ISIP button, as shown below:-

ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund - Cancel SIP
(Click to enlarge) ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund - Cancel SIP
4. On the Next Screen, click on CANCEL SIP button against the selected Mutual Fund where your SIP is ongoing.

Congratulations on your successful Online SIP Cancellation of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund.
ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund - Cancel SIP
(Click to enlarge) ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund - Cancel SIP
Make sure to cancel the ECS or Biller registration in your Bank account against this Mutual Fund scheme as well to avoid any unforeseen SIP deductions.

Images Courtesy: ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund Website

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  1. What about the amount that already invested?

    1. Already invested amount will remain as it is under your folio account in the form of Mutual fund units. This amount may increase or decrease on daily basis based on its NAV movements. Thanks.

  2. Thanks. Really helpful

  3. Once we cancel, when we will get back the amount back to our account

  4. Once we cancel, when we will get back the amount to our account

    1. This request is for SIP cancellation only. For getting amount back, you need to sell or redeem your mutual fund units. Once sold, the amount generally gets credited in 2 to 3 days.

  5. AFter clicking CANCEL ISIP it not allowing to cancel, Says " You can cancel only ISIP"

    1. Most probably your SIP was registered by submitting SIP offline form. ISIP is online SIP which can be started from Fund house or CAMS website/App. This error shows that ICICI fund house allows online cancellation of the SIPs which were opened Online only.

      To cancel your SIP, you can contact Fund office or visit any nearest CAMS centre and submit the duly filled SIP cancellation form.


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